
It's coming....can you smell it?

It's nearly that time of year again. I can smell it coming. The morning air is crisp and sweet with the first hints of fall, but gently fades with the warmth of the sun as we relish the last few days of carefree summertime.

Ever since we returned from our lovely family reunion/summer vacation I've been pouring over all of my homeschooling plans and researching curricula and potential field trips. My brain is full nearly to overflowing with so many different ideas.

This is the second year of homeschooling for us (if you don't count the miserable failure we had when I thought it would be a great idea to attempt it for the first time with an online school....and three kiddos who needed the computer all day....ugh. What a mess I made of that one. It only lasted 4 months and they were promptly put back in public school as I asked myself what the heck I was thinking.) Anyway, this year has Bean in 7th grade and Bug in 3rd....and me feeling much more confident about the possibilities of more fun this year.

While I have decided on most of the curriculum we will use, I'm still up in the air about what to do with Bug and his math. We only made it about 3/4 of the way through his math book last year. Yes, that's right. I'm one of those moms who are learning to get over the fact that we don't usually finish the entire book. It drives me quite crazy. Gah! But I'm trying to let it be ok.

Anyway, since Bean had so much fun with Life of Fred math last year, Bug really wants to do Fred math, but I'm torn because he needs to test for the first time at the end of this year and I'm just wondering if Life of Fred is enough. I might have him do Saxon instead.........hmm....well, I better get it figured out here in the next week so I can get it ordered...whatever IT ends up being.

I'm drooling over the new Well Planned Day's planning software! Have you SEEN that thing?!! It does nearly everything except for make your toast in the morning! Wow. Only thing stopping me from buying it and going to town is the cost...yikes. I just don't have it this year, but I'm definitely putting it on my wishlist for next year.

This year I downloaded THIS downloadable and customizable planner from www.dragonfliesinfirst.com and am giving it a shot. 

So far, I think I like it, but there are soooooo many different planners out there to choose from and I am well known for not being able to decide when there are too many choices before me....Gah! Ok...breathe.......  I think I'll stick with the one I downloaded and see if it works for me.

What do you use to plan your yearly and/or weekly lesson plans?